Tuesday, June 29, 2021In all matters of insurance, once you have the legal or regulatory minimum, the question of how much is enough really comes down to the individual. We can answer that question with another question: Assuming that you are aware of the risks that you are managing as a homeowner, do you feel comfortable with the level of home insurance you have right now? READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 24, 2021Everyone has seen a few online videos of someone slipping and falling in a random store (overturning a shelf in the process). We might laugh at the video, but we are forgetting to realize that after the camera stopped rolling, the victim might have sustained a severe injury. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 22, 2021It’s never a good thing to lose someone you love. Along with grieving might come new responsibilities that survivors will have to shoulder. They might have to adapt to no longer having the financial security that you used to provide, and this might prove very worrisome.
Thursday, June 17, 2021If your home has a septic tank, then you are aware that the system is going to create quite a few maintenance responsibilities over the years. After all, in the event of a septic tank problem, you are going to face a smelly, nasty, and expensive cleanup process.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021If you are single, then you only must worry about how to take care of your own health, wellbeing, and personal security. However, once you start a family of your own, you will have to keep them just as healthy, secure, and prosperous as you yourself. After all, your spouse, children, or other dependents are your responsibility. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 10, 2021While running your business, you might occasionally encounter situations where customers must operate machinery. It might be as simple as allowing customers to brew their own coffee in your restaurant or cut their own keys in your hardware store. Everywhere, self-service shopping is becoming more common, particularly in this age of social distancing. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 1, 2021Those who rely on you for financial (and personal) support are your dependents. These might be your children, a disabled family member or another person who would not be able to make their own way in the world without your support.
But what if something were to happen to you? What if you died in a car accident? READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 27, 2021When you choose to buy life insurance, you are taking a big step to ensure your loved ones’ financial security after your death. While it is usually an easy decision to get coverage, determining how much coverage you need might be trickier.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Are Your Car's Tires Safe? As you travel down the road at 50, 60 or 70 miles per hour, there's only one thing that comes in contact with the pavement. Your tires. Unfortunately, many people ignore these important pieces of rubber and only think about replacing them when a state inspection mandates it. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 25, 2021Everyone knows that their home is not immune to water damage, and you must do all you can to protect your property against any eventuality. While your homeowners insurance might cover damage from burst pipes, damage from weather-related floods will not have coverage at all. READ MORE >>
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